

Primary School

The primary school runs from Grade 1 to Std 8, which provides learning opportunities for both boys and girls. The school provides a serene and conducive environment for learning, ample playing fields are a distinct advantage as they encourage a child’s all-rounded development.

JGA fosters partnership and shared responsibility with the parents in shaping and molding our children.

We also have co-curricular activities for this section which are meant to bring social skills, intellectual skills, moral values, personality progress, and character appeal to students. It includes basketball, martial arts, swimming, arts, paper quilling, skating and brass band.

Below are subjects offered for this section:
  • Math
  • English
  • Kiswahili
  • Science
  • French – Grade 1 – Class 7
  • CRE
  • Computer – PP1 – Class 8
  • CRE